Waich Malayalam full movie haram : Fahad has done an amazing job, the actor has obviously put his heart and soul into the character and it shows. Radhika seems too strung despite her charm. Sagarika Bhatia does her part convincingly as an RJ activist with curls and ideals. The individual sequences are flawless by themselves, as also the settings, the visuals, the cinematography and the costumes. The episode where the actress' body double is determined to live with dignity, despite the way she is treated, holds your attention just like Thaikkudam Bridge's music video; but all of these spring out of the blue and are completely out of place in the film.
CAST: Fahadh Faasil, Radhika Apte
DIRECTION: Vinod Sukumaran
MUSIC: Thaikkudam Bridge
CAST: Fahadh Faasil, Radhika Apte
DIRECTION: Vinod Sukumaran
MUSIC: Thaikkudam Bridge
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